JAT Book Study: Black History Month

JAT Black History Month Book study Thursdays at 7pm, Feb. 6, 13, & 20 (sign up at bottom of page) We invite you to join us in February as we honor Black History Month by reading and discussing The Color of Compromise by Dr. Jemar Tisby. Led by Nancy Koplowitz and Gayle St. John, we […]
UMM Pecan Sale Fundraiser

UMM Pecan Sale Fundraiser ORDER ONLINE The United Methodist Men will be selling pecans in the Atrium on Sunday mornings! Pecan pieces and halves will be available for $12/pound. You can also place an order ONLINE. Money raised during this fundraiser will go towards the many UMM community projects they lead and participate in throughout […]
Neighbor Serving Neighbor

Neighbor Serving Neighbor It’s unusually cool on a Saturday in July as neighbors load groceries into neighbors’ cars. While the Mobile Food Pantry normally delivers food to our partner schools each month during the school year, over the summer, the food pantry opens every other Saturday so that parents can pick up groceries outside of […]
Music of the Soul: Stories of Transformation in Youth Choir

Music of the Soul: Stories of Transformation in Youth Choir Transformed. It’s a word Christians often use to describe deeply personal, spiritual change that results in a transformed way of living. Though transformation happens at an individual level, it’s important to remember that it doesn’t happen in a vacuum. Relationships, environments, circumstances and opportunity all […]
Conversations on Prayer

Conversations on Prayer If you’ve studied scripture for any length of time, the theme of prayer comes up often. But prayer is a bit of a mystery, right? How does it work? What’s the best way to pray? How do you know if God has answered your prayers? This spring we spent some time with […]
We Are FA-MI-LY!

We Are FA-MI-LY McFarlin’s Bonus Years ministry is a beloved staple for many people. At each monthly luncheon, those who attend get to check in with friends, share a meal, sing hymns, celebrate monthly birthdays and anniversaries, and learn from members and leaders of the community. On monthly trips, they pile into church vans together […]
Good News at McFarlin

Good News: Reflecting on the Goodness of God at McFarlin from Pastor Rockford, Pastor Wendi and Pastor Trey Easter was a captivating celebration of the Good News of saving faith, hope, and love made known in the gospel of Jesus Christ, crucified and risen. Good news of course translates the word “gospel” and McFarlin was […]
New People, New Plan, New Potential

New People, New Plan, New Potential As we enter an exciting year for children, youth and families at McFarlin, we want to celebrate the ways that our young people have been flourishing and what’s in store for 2023. Children & Family Ministries has been blessed with the hiring of Katie Lanier as Director and Zach […]
Encountering God in the Fun of VBS

Encountering God in the Fun of VBS Vacation. Break. Fun. Extra Time. Those buzzwords remind us that summer brings an interruption from the normal routine, especially for those whose lives revolve around the school schedule. For Caryn Short, it offers her more time to seek God’s presence and spend more of her time worshipping, growing […]
Sisters in Discipleship

Summer Snapshot: Sisters in Discipleship The McFarlin chapter of United Women in Faith (formerly United Methodist Women) has always made their small groups a core part of their ministry here. This summer we sat down with Circle Five to ask them a few questions about why they prioritize this weekly gathering of fellowship, prayer and […]