Children’s Choir

Children’s Choir // Begins August 21 Register Here Children’s Choir is every Wednesday from 3pm-5pm and is open to all area children K-5th grade. We provide transportation from NPS elementary schools to McFarlin, eat yummy snacks, and then head to four different rotations that include choir, Bible stories/games, and two different general music rotations—which throughout […]

Advent at McFarlin

Advent Hub Welcome to our Advent Hub! As we get closer to the Advent season we will be adding more events and opportunities, but for right now check out some of our most loved events below! Read a devotional every day with our 2023 Advent Devotional! 2023 Advent Devotional Book Give + Serve + Study […]

Advent at McFarlin TEST

Advent Hub Welcome to our Advent Hub! As we get closer to the Advent season we will be adding more events and opportunities, but for right now check out some of our most loved events below! Give + Serve + Study During Advent Poinsettia Fundraiser Nov. 12 – Dec. 3 Online Order Form Poinsettia sales […]

VBS 2023

VBS 2023 // June 19-22 // 6:30-8:30pm Participant Registration Volunteer Registration *VBS is open to 3-year-olds (must be potty-trained) through children who have completed 5th grade. At Stellar, kids discover how they can shine Jesus’ love and hope in everyday life! Kids participate in memorable Bible-learning activities, sing catchy songs, play teamwork-building games and experience one-of-a-kind […]

Special Prayer

A Pastoral Letter to McFarlin Regarding Mass Shootings Across the Country Dear McFarlin, In the wake of the shooting in Uvalde, Texas, as well as the many that have come before and after, I feel compelled to share my heart. As a pastor and father, when I imagine a classroom of children and teachers lying […]


Adopt-A-Street McFarlin has, for a number of years, adopted a street in Norman. Our section is on Acres Street, from Berry (to the west) to Ponca (to the east). We are looking for groups, classes, families, and individuals who will sign up to clean up trash along our adopted street. This is an on-going project; […]

SOTP Digital Commitment Card

Standing on the Promises: Digital Commitment Card We know that we have hundreds of people who join us every week online for worship, all of who know the importance of refreshing and reestablishing this physical space in order to ensure future growth in reaching more people more deeply through our digital ministries. We also celebrate […]

VBS 2022 Volunteer Signup

VBS 2022 Volunteer Signup VOLUNTEER DETAILS: We will have four training session options for VBS, and you must attend one of the training sessions to volunteer.  If you are up-to-date with our Safe Sanctuaries training, it will not take the entire time listed. Training sessions will be held in Room 229. Wednesday, June 8  6:30 – […]

Join the Welcome Team

Join the Welcome Team Come join our welcome team and become a greeter at McFarlin! Why be a greeter? We want people to know they are always welcome here! A warm smile and a sincere “we’re glad you’re here!” makes a difference to every person that comes through our doors. Fill out the form below […]