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We’re so glad you’re interested in learning more about McFarlin. We are a community of faith caring for each other and dedicated to our mission of Changing Lives that Change the World. We do that by focusing on Worship, Discipleship and Missions.

Trey Witzel
Associate Pastor
If you would like to talk to someone prior to visiting or connecting, please phone or email Pastor Trey Witzel at (405) 321-3484; twitzel@mcfarlinumc.org
At McFarlin we are committed to providing worship opportunities that connect us deeply to the heart of God and challenge us with a greater understanding of God’s vision for our lives, our faith family and our world. We offer two different styles of worship and three worship times each Sunday. We also offer online worship in both styles that premiers/is livestreamed and is available anytime on Facebook and YouTube.
Sanctuary Worship // 8:30 & 11AM In Person; 11AM Online
In these services we hear Scripture, express our trust in God, and sing the cherished hymns of our faith accompanied by choirs, organ, and handbell ensembles. We pray together, share in children’s messages, and hear inspirational preaching from our Senior Pastor Rockford Johnson. On the first Sunday of every month we celebrate holy communion, but on all other Sundays communion is served after worship in the Martin Chapel.
Modern Worship // 11AM In Person & Online
Through prayer times and ministry moments, we celebrate the work that Christ is doing in our lives and in our world, and hear moving preaching from our Associate Pastor, Trey Witzel. Communion is also celebrated in this service every Sunday. All of our services are family services which means children are encouraged to attend with their parents.
We believe the church should be an experience of authentic community. Our Sunday schools, small groups and Bible studies offer a way for you to find a place to belong within the larger faith family. Find out more details about our groups on the Discipleship page.
Missions is a core aspect of who we are as a missional church focused on making a difference outside the church—Changing Lives that Change the World. We believe in putting hands and feet to our faith with hundreds of people giving thousands of hours of service each year here at McFarlin, in the Norman community, and around the world. There is always more work to be done, more lives to be changed, and more people who need to tangibly experience the love and grace of Jesus Christ. Check out the Missions page for all the different ways you can serve your community and world through McFarlin!
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