Just Action Team

Why Should the Church Talk About Racial Injustice?

We encourage you to read the statement written by our pastors and the Just Action Team Committee concerning the Biblical Foundation and Purpose of pursuing racial justice in our world.

We take our purpose from The Book of Discipline that states we “shall confront and seek to eliminate racism, whether in organizations or in individuals, in every facet of its life and in society at large.” The Just Action Team will carry out this purpose through educational opportunities, building relationships, and actions in the community

We believe that the work of dismantling racism must be done in collaboration with many diverse groups and persons, and so we encourage all members of McFarlin and members of the Norman community to work together and respond faithfully to what the Lord requires of us: “to do justice, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with our God” (Micah 6:8). 

Upcoming Events

Join the Team!

The Just Action Team sends out a monthly email newsletter detailing upcoming McFarlin educational opportunities, outings, speakers and a roundup of news and local events relevant to racial justice. Submit the form below to be added to our group!

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The purpose of the Just Action Team at McFarlin Memorial UMC is to promote the fulfillment of the United Methodist Church’s call to action concerning racism in the Book of Discipline that we “shall confront and seek to eliminate racism, whether in organizations or in individuals, in every facet of its life and in society at large.” The Just Action Team will carry out this purpose through educational opportunities, building relationships and community action.

How We Started:

  • READ: CALL TO ACTION by the UMC Council of Bishops
  • WATCH: McFarlin’s Call to Action Against Racism (recorded June 2020)
  • WATCH: Pastor Rockford shares why the church should talk about racism

There are a multitude of resources available for us to learn about racism in America and how to best confront it. This resource list compiled by the JAT executive team includes books for all ages, movies, videos, podcasts, and more. We invite you to dive deeper and continue your journey.

Resource List