If You Need Help

Scott NEW-4614

Scott Meier

Director of Missions & Community Outreach
As we live into our mission of Changing Lives That Change the World, we look for opportunities to help when needs arise.  Through our Food Pantry, Mobile Food Pantry, Utilities Assistance, and other ministries our goal is to share the love of Jesus Christ through our actions and our help.  Below you will find ways that McFarlin is living out our call to serve those in need. 

The McFarlin Food Pantry is now in a new location at the corner of University & Symmes. Address is 401 S. University.

  • The McFarlin Food Pantry is open on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10am to 4pm. Note, we are open during lunch.
  • Parking is in the north end of the lot across the street.
  • We serve residents of Norman, Noble and Little Axe with a picture ID and current proof of residence.

In partnership with Adams, Jackson, and Madison Elementary schools, Irving Middle School, and the Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma, McFarlin’s Mobile Food Pantry visits each school monthly to deliver groceries.  2024-2025 Dates & Locations


  • Applicants do not have to have children attending one of these schools to participate.
  • Those who qualify may come once every 14 days for food assistance.
  • Applicants must bring a valid picture ID, and proof of residence (utility bill, lease, home title) for Norman, Noble, or Little Axe


  • During monthly school deliveries, the truck will be in the school parking 5:30-7pm. Find monthly delivery days in the 2024-2025 Dates & Locations
  • During winter months delivery time will be 5:30-6:30 on the scheduled delivery day and eligible families will receive groceries.   


  • Saturday grocery pickup is from 10:30-12:00 at our new McFarlin Food Pantry location: 401 University (corner of University and Symmes)


Thursday morning Utilities Assistance registration begins at 8:30am every Thursday. Please enter using the south entrance on Apache Street. Instructions for the process are given at 9:30 am. Guests will be seen in the order of sign in. Please arrive no later than 10:30am to get your name on the list.

Assistance is available during these hours only, and no exceptions will be made. We have limited funds and guidelines to follow, therefore some bills may not be paid.


  • You must live in Norman, Noble or Little Axe.
  • We do not pay rent or deposits or mortgage payments.
  • We do not pay cable or phone bills.
  • We do not pay utility deposits or usage from another address.
  • Bills cannot be over $300.
  • We can only help you once every six moths for a total of three times, then you need to wait five years. 

Information you must have to be seen:

  • Complete utility bill being considered for payment.
  • Pay stubs or other income information for the last 30 days.
  • Photo ID
  • Information regarding all residents of the household.
  • Other expense information for the last 30 days.

Postponed Until Further Notice.

  • McFarlin will help with those in need obtain a photo ID, Driver’s License, or Birth Certificate once per calendar year. Due to our limited funds, we are not able to help an individual with any one of the IDs mentioned more than once per calendar year.
  • People who need an ID or Birth Certificate must come to the church during the following times only (phone calls are no longer accepted, and ID vouchers are not provided outside the stated times):
    • Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays: 10am to Noon and 3pm to 5pm
  • If a birth certificate is needed, the recipient must go online and print the form, and bring it filled out with the at one of the above times.  Only completed forms will be accepted.  McFarlin will provide envelopes and postage for forms to be sent, and, if necessary, for return of the Birth Certificate to the recipient.
  • McFarlin is not able to help with Passports, Birth Certificates from foreign countries, or Death Certificates.

While the above are ways McFarlin can help, there are other agencies and churches in the Norman community that can help fulfill other needs. Check out the community resource list above for more information.