Scott NEW-4614

Scott Meier

Director of Missions & Community Outreach

The McFarlin Missions impact our local community in life-changing ways. We do this through key partnerships with local agencies, organizations, churches, and schools; our goal is to partner where we can for maximum effectiveness. Through our many local missions there are many ways to serve. If you are interested in serving please contact Scott Meier. 

Follow the Food Video

The Bible we love is full of stories of people who believed in God, acted in faith and were transformed by God’s love. We want to continue the Christian tradition of bearing witness to all the ways God is using you, using us and using this community to transform hearts and share the love of Jesus with the world.

We invite you to watch the video below of how God has been working through the people of McFarlin to provide the Christ’s love to the hungry in our community and what the future holds for this ministry! 

The McFarlin Food Pantry is now in a new location at the corner of University & Symmes. The address is 401 S. University.

  • The McFarlin Food Pantry is open on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10am to 4pm. Note, we are open during lunch.
  • Parking is in the north end of the lot across the street.
  • We serve residents of Norman, Noble and Little Axe with a picture ID and current proof of residence.

In partnership with Adams, Jackson, and Madison Elementary schools, Irving Middle School, and the Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma, McFarlin’s Mobile Food Pantry visits each school once a month to deliver groceries.  2024-2025 Dates & Locations


  • Applicants do not have to have children attending one of these schools in order to participate.
  • Those who qualify may come once every 14 days for food assistance.
  • Applicants must bring a valid picture ID, and proof of residence (utility bill, lease, home title) for Norman, Noble or Little Axe
  • Applicants must complete an enrollment form. (They are the same for each school.)


  • During monthly school deliveries, the truck will be in the school parking 5:30-7:00pm. Find monthly delivery days in the 2024-2025 Dates & Locations
  • During winter months delivery time will be 5:30-6:30pm on the scheduled delivery day and eligible families will receive groceries.   


  • Saturday grocery pickup is from 10:30-12:00 at our new McFarlin Food Pantry location: 401 University (corner of University and Symmes)

The second Tuesday of each month we serve a hot meal for those in need from 6pm to 7pm. Starting in September Tuesdays Together will meet in Fenn Hall.

Partnering with, McFarlin strives to support the teachers and staff through a variety of way and special projects. We also have Madison Elementary, Jackson Elementary, Adams Elementary, and Irving Middle School​opportunities for people to mentor children in the classroom.

While we hope and pray disaster never strikes, we are also prepared to respond to the call to help in times of unexpected natural disasters. We have a team ready to respond to the call in ways that will help make a difference for those impacted by disaster.

Making sure people have access to affordable housing is important to McFarlin’s desire to be a Missional Church. We are partnering with Cleveland County Habitat for Humanity in a variety of ways, including building homes, supporting the Re-Store with donations, and building wheelchair ramps for those with need. Read more about McFarlin’s partnership with Habitat by going to

In addition to working with Habitat for Humanity, we have also taken on construction projects that benefit people and ministries.  We have worked with local churches, local agencies, and individuals in need of a variety of construction projects. We are always looking for people to help in this ministry.

  • Among Friends
  • Food and Shelter
  • Oklahoma Blood Institute
  • Meals on Wheels
  • Bridges
  • Women’s Resource Center


For more information on our local missions, contact: Scott Meier, director of missions and community outreach 405-321-3484, ext. 109