Serve Hub
McFarlin Serve Hub
Below you’ll find details about all of our opportunities to serve!

Volunteers for Elementary Sunday School or Children's Worship
If you are interested in helping teach elementary Sunday School or can help with Children’s Worship, volunteers are always needed and much appreciated!
Email Zach James at for more information.

Evangelism Through Social Media
Are you on Facebook and/or Instagram? Would you be willing to help share the Good News with your friends and neighbors? If so, we would like you to be part of our Evangelism Through Social Media Team. Contact Scott Meier at for more details.

Bereavement Meal Ministry
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! Care Ministry needs volunteers to serve in the following roles:
Hostesses for funeral receptions and meals
Calling coordinators
Cookie providers
Small bereavement meal providers
Single-dish providers for funeral meals
Training provided! Contact Stephanie at or call 405-321-3484 ext. 115 with questions or to sign up.

Bus Drivers for Children's Choir
We are looking for Bus Drivers! Children’s Choir is growing, so we are currently in search of additional volunteers to be bus drivers to pick our students up from their elementary schools and bring them to the church each Wednesday afternoon. Children’s Choir volunteers make a huge difference and are truly the reason the program is sustainable.
If you are interested in being a difference maker, please contact Kayley Williamson at

Shoes & Clothing Donations
Did you know that every year Americans throw away almost 300 million pairs of shoes? Many of which still have a useful life. And about 21 billion pounds of clothing and material end up in landfills. Again, clothing that still has life left to give.
When you bring clothing and shoes to McFarlin we make sure the life they have left is used in a way that helps those in need. Winter coats to people who are unhoused; shoes to people around the world so they don’t go barefoot; and clothing to organizations that get it into the hands of people in need instead of tossed into a landfill!
So bring your used, in good condition clothing and shoes (all kinds, all types, all sizes) to the church and we will change lives and help the planet!

Senior Adult Care Team

Help Build 2 Habitat for Humanity Homes in Norman
McFarlin is involved in the building of 2 houses here in Norman with Habitat for Humanity. You are invited to be part of this effort by helping to build, by praying, or by donating to the cost. For more information contact Scott Meier at

Love Serving Others?
Sanctuary Worship: Opportunities to Serve
If you are age 12 & up and love serving others then becoming a Sanctuary usher might be for you!Sanctuary ushers serve as greeters at the entrances to Sanctuary prior to services, providing people with resources needed for worship (bulletins, large-print tools, hearing assistance devices, etc) Sanctuary ushers greet and welcome all with the joy and friendliness McFarlin is known for and go the extra few steps to help guests have a great first experience in our worship services. Sanctuary ushers assist in passing out attendance folders, collecting the offering, and providing direction for communion services. You don’t have to be here every Sunday to serve in this ministry, so if you’re interested in serving, please contact Daphne at or 405-321-3484, ext.128.
If you love communion and want a chance to be more involved in serving others and sharing God’s table with everyone, please consider being a Sanctuary communion steward! Communion Stewards assist with setting up, serving, and cleaning up communion on the first Sunday of each month at both the 8:30 and 11am Sanctuary worship services. Anyone under 14 who would like to serve will need to have a parent accompany them as they serve. If you would like to help serve in our communion services, please contact Daphne at or 405-321-3484, ext.128.
If you are someone who appreciates having things look nice and neat for those coming to our worship services, then this opportunity to serve could be for you! The clean up crew operates after the 8:30 or 11am service and collects trash, straightens books and cards, and retrieves attendance pads following the services so our Sanctuary looks as orderly as possible between and after worship services. This could be a great ministry for families to do together and only takes a few minutes after worship services end. If you’re interested in serving on the Sanctuary Clean Up crew, please contact Daphne at or 405-321-3484, ext.128.

Do You Like To Drive?
We often receive donations that need to be delivered to agencies, organizations, and schools that McFarlin partners with. If you would be willing to, on occasion, pick up these items from the church and deliver them, please contact Scott Meier if you can help:

Serve in the Food Pantry & Mobile Food Pantry
There are a variety of jobs and time commitments available in both our on-site Food Pantry and our Mobile Food Pantry which delivers to our four partner schools each month during the school year. This is a great way to serve local families and share God’s love in a tangible way! If you’re interested please contact Scott Meier at