Within the walls of our beautiful, historic church you will find a wonderful spirit, and a blending of the old and the new. You will discover people of all ages who genuinely care about you, your family, and your faith journey. We are committed to providing a place where hearts and minds are challenged to a greater understanding of God’s vision, through dynamic worship, discipleship and missions. Our robust Music Ministries play a vital role in leading our services each week. All of our services are family services which means children are encouraged to attend with their parents. Childcare is also available for children infants through Kindergarten for families who wish to participate in these ministries.

Traditional Worship
8:30 & 11AM | Sanctuary
In these services we hear Scripture, express our trust in God, and sing the cherished hymns of our faith accompanied by choirs, organ, and handbell ensembles. We pray together, share in children’s messages, and hear inspirational preaching from our Senior Pastor Rockford Johnson and Senior Associate Pastor Wendi Neal. On the first Sunday of every month we celebrate holy communion.

Modern Worship
11AM | Fenn Hall
Through prayer times and ministry moments, we celebrate the work that Christ is doing in our lives and in our world, and hear moving preaching from our Associate Pastor, Trey Witzel. Communion is also celebrated in this service every Sunday. All of our services are family services which means children are encouraged to attend with their parents.