Sunday Mornings

We offer in-person and online worship options on Sunday morning. Click the buttons down below to find out more information about our services.

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Modern Worship - 11AM

Modern worship is held in Fenn Hall. The Fenn Hall entrance is located at the east end of the church on Apache St.

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Traditional Worship - 8:30 & 11AM

The upper Sanctuary entrance is located at the top of the stone steps and the lower entrance is east of the steps on Apache St.

Sunday School

Our Sunday school hour runs from 9:40AM-10:40AM. We have a variety of Sunday school classes for all ages. Click below for more info about our class options.

Have a question when you arrive?

If you need help on Sunday morning, one of our friendly greeters with a “May I Help You?”  button would be glad to assist you.

If you would like to talk to someone prior to visiting, please phone or email Pastor Trey Witzel at (405) 321-3484 or