
Our Mission:

Although we worship and do ministry for our community in and out of a large and beautiful historic stone building, we are rather ordinary people and families seeking and enjoying a life of faith together. We love great music, wonderful friendships, biblical preaching and study, caring for each other, and making a difference for good in our community. On Sunday mornings before and between gatherings, we even enjoy casual conversation around donuts and coffee!

We can accomplish so much as the Holy Spirit works through our collective love and sacrifice as each of us make decisions to live out our mission together. We dream of and work for lives changed to experience greater hope and joy and for a world changed to look and act more like God’s design for the world as defined in Jesus.

Hardly a week goes by that a person or group from McFarlin isn’t visiting a prison or a hospital, at a disaster site or in our own Food Pantry serving those in need. When an Alzheimer’s caregiver feels alone or a grieving family needs a place to turn, McFarlin reaches out in love. When the children and students of our community sense God inviting them to explore their faith, it’s through the people and ministries of McFarlin that they can do that. People encounter the living God through the proclamation of the gospel and vibrant worship, with both traditional and modern music and liturgy options. We believe that the Spirit of God actively works in and through such experiences and in each and all of us to create sacred moments of cooperation with God so that together we are Changing Lives That Change the World.

Our Values:

We believe that the more we look to Jesus, the more we will look and act like Jesus. We focus on the way of Jesus through our three core areas: Worship, Discipleship, and Missions. We value worshipping God with excellent and inspiring music and preaching in prayerful fellowship with each other. We value forming disciples of Jesus by excellence in Bible study, spiritual formation, and creative learning. We value making a real and tangible difference in our community and world by active mission work. We value caring for persons and families during times of challenge and always.

Our Beliefs:

McFarlin Church, as part of the United Methodist Church worldwide and as a part of the church that includes all Christians everywhere, holds to the foundational beliefs of Christians through the ages. Central among these are:

Belief in the triune God – one God in three persons: Creator, Redeemer, and Sustainer

Belief in salvation in and through the gospel of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ

Belief in the love of God that is made known and effective in Jesus and is realized and experienced through the presence and activity of the Holy Spirit

Belief in the church as a harmonious community of worship, discipleship, missions, and pastoral care with a mission for Changing Lives That Change the World.

Belief in the authority of the scriptures

Belief in salvation by grace through faith

Belief in life abundant and eternal through Jesus Christ

As part of The United Methodist Church, we hold fast our Articles of Religion and Confession of Faith.

We at McFarlin are committed to a holistic and practical faith rooted in the love and grace of God.  Genuine faith is our response to the goodness and faithfulness of God in Jesus Christ and involves the whole person – body, heart, soul, mind, and resources so that all aspects of life are lived for God’s glory.

McFarlin Lay Leadership:

We appreciate all of our lay leadership who faithfully serve our church through various working committees. This is the list of those serving in lay leadership for 2025. List of McFarlin Lay Leadership